Friday, June 12, 2015

Where Will I Go Next?

I can’t wait until I’m out of the editing process and back into the writing process. I have so many ideas for my next book. I want it to be everything I’ve always wanted out of a fantasy book. I’ve also been tossing around the idea of publishing one of my science fiction books. I’m not sure how my audience will take it, but science fiction is another genre that I’m passionate about and there are science fiction elements in all of my books. After all, Ray Bradbury published both science fiction and fantasy. Fahrenheit 451 is clearly science fiction, but Something Wicked This Way Comes is more of a dark fantasy. I’m not sure yet where I will go next in my writing, but I have plenty of ideas, and I think any one of them would be worth a shot.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Polishing the Stone

I’m still working on the third installment of the Elementals Trilogy. I feel like I’m polishing a ruddy stone when I know there is a diamond underneath. I get excited about it. Not so much about the editing, but about the thrill of reading my finished work.
What’s more, I know others will read it who don’t know the story as well as I do, and I hope they get something out of it. I hope that everyone who has engaged in Sara’s journey so far feels satisfied with how her journey ends.
I’m thinking about doing another series for the world of Mirmina. I think after reading the ending, you’ll see where I might be going with this. Let me know what you think.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Getting It Out There

A misconception that I had when I published my first book was that the writing would speak for itself. I thought that once it was written and published, the marketing would just come with it.

It wasn’t long before I found out that this concept was wrong.

Before I started writing with a serious eye toward others reading my work, the only real education I ever received on writing came from a book written by Stephen King, amply named On Writing. The message I walked away with after reading the book was that you can’t write for everyone. Some people will want to read your work while others will not. I’m sure there were other inspiring messages crafted by the experiences of one of the best of the horror genre, but I was 13 when I read it last and that was 13 years ago. True, I should take it up again, and I do plan too.

But the journey toward finding more readers has been a difficult and interesting one. So many people have so many opinions, and I don’t know where to turn. I want my books to go beyond my hometown, and I know that will take hard work and time.

I’ve got the time and the work ethic, so now I just have to build and be fearless.

I greatly appreciate those readers in my hometown. They have been a great support to me.

To my all readers, thank you for taking the time to read my book. I wrote it so that others would read it.