Monday, July 22, 2013

Writing is Fun. Editing is Not.

I remember from the ages of 12 to 17 it was all about the writing. I was writing every summer between school. It was enjoyable and cathartic. It didn't feel like work; it felt like expression. 

The only problem with writing twelve novels by the age of 17 is now I have to edit them. I wish I could write "Dear 12-year-old self, Learn to edit after you write." But then I was 12. I would probably have to edit again even if I had edited back then. 

A college professor whom I deeply respect once told me: "Editing is never finished. Things can always be perfected." It is a true and very hopeless notion. I know my work doesn't touch perfection, but if I feel it has to be overhauled now at the age of 24, what will I think of that same work at the age of 50? 

The troubles of a young writer! 

Right now my red pen is bleeding through the pages as I edit Volume 2 of The Elementals trilogy. 

I sit with my red pen and my notebook because if there is one good thing that comes from editing it's new ideas. It can also be a problem as the book grows and grows and grows. Sometimes you just want to deal with what is there. But other times I am very grateful. I've never had writer's block. 

Editing is a pain.